Sacred Heart Crystal Therapy
Service Description
Sacred Heart Crystal Therapy... helping the ladies to align their chakras (mainly the heart). To help them live more in alignment with their hearts true purpose. I’ve been noticing that women have been struggling with their ascension process and feeling unbalanced and disconnected. Many of us are unaware of what’s going on. Let’s dive deep and find out why. When opening your heart... you are able to ground yourself and reconnect to your new reality of living heart centered. This is all a part of the process. We are mimicing the life of a caterpillar that goes into a cocoon to one day become a butterfly that fly’s free. If you’re looking to heal some aspect of your mind, body or spirit, there are essentially 3 primary ways healing crystals can transform your energy and resolve imbalance: Clearing – Crystals have the ability to absorb and remove certain types of energy from your body. Like a magnet can pick up little pieces of metal shavings, a healing crystal can absorb negative energy from your body. Energizing – Healing crystals and stones can also push energy into your body, mind or spirit through inducing resonant frequencies. This is similar to the way electricity works by conducting and transferring energy into an object. A crystal can harness energy from the quantum field and send it into your own energy field. Don’t worry, unlike electricity, this crystal healing energy is painless and not dangerous. Balancing – Our world is very symmetrical. Look at the leaves on trees or even your body. The energy of our planet aligns things in a mirrored pattern. Sometimes, your energy may be misaligned and out of balance, and healing crystals can use the properties mentioned above, which are essentially attracting and repelling, to balance out areas of energetic disharmony.

Contact Details
+ 9715706181
5237 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. 97211